women walking their cats.

women walking their cats.
Doesn't this look fun? I think so.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Nostalgia, insomnia, instant coffee, Wednesdays, and weekends.

It's been a little over a week since my last blog post, so I thought it was high time for another!

Wednesdays are the one day of the week that I actually extract myself from bed at a reasonable hour to have breakfast with my lovely friend Jonny! We meet halfway between our houses at a little place in Jericho (my favorite neighborhood of Oxford). Last night I participated in my first ever pub quiz, and drank a bit too much wine, so I was particularly out of sorts this morning. I've been having a terrible time sleeping the past few weeks, and last night was an especially difficult night. The wine put me to sleep initially, but only for about 3 hours, and then I awoke with extreme thirst and commenced to toss and turn for the rest of the night until my hideous alarm went off and I decided it was time to start the day. Needless to say, I've been a bit off all day and have needed many cups of coffee to keep me functioning like a regular human being. Well...maybe not a regular human being, as coffee has the tendency to turn me into a trembling rat-like creature who speaks in seemingly indiscernible streams of consciousness. Somehow my friend Kate manages to witness me in this state every time it happens. She probably thinks I'm insane. But no matter! Maybe it's a glimpse into my true nature.

During my after lunch cup of coffee (cup number 3, and just so you know, I am very sensitive to caffeine) at St. Benet's Hall, I sat next to Kate and her gentleman friend on one of the couches and noticed that there were a couple of pillows stacked up next to me. In my ridiculous state, I decided it would be a wonderful idea to make a wall of pillows to separate myself from them. I think in my head it was because I didn't want to invade their coupledom after realizing that I had made myself a couch third wheel. I guess I didn't think they would really notice, but they did. Kate's gentleman friend laughed, pretending to be offended. Kate's response to this was to take one of the pillows and wedge it between herself and said gentleman friend so that he was isolated by pillow dividers. I decided I would explain what was happening to her gentleman friend (let's call him Brogey to make things a little easier). So, I explained to Brogey in my caffeine induced stupor, that were were trying to maintain our individuality like groceries on one of those supermarket conveyor belts and that WE WOULDN'T WANT TO GET MIXED UP WITH SOMEONE ELSE'S GROCERIES NOW WOULD WE????? Yes that is how my mind works on caffeine, and the caffeine is still pumping through the veins now if you haven't noticed from the way I have composed this post.

On to bigger and better things...

How about a weekend recap?! Well, you have no choice because this is my blog and that means I get to write whatever I want! So, on Thursday night the rowing team had one of their infamous crew dates (the horror!). I decided to attend as I was on the rowing team until just a few weeks ago when I decided it was too much of a time commitment and was tired of sore muscles and blisters. There is an Indian restaurant called 'Jamals' where every team/society/organization in Oxford seems to gather together for drunken shenanigans. This crew date was with a female drinking society who refer to themselves as the 'Rabbits.' We were calling ourselves the Brasenose chess club. On these crew dates it is customary to bring your own alcohol, (preferably several four-packs of beer or liters of cider) and you pour this alcohol into a pint glass provided begrudgingly by Jamal's staff in order to make yourself vulnerable to 'pennying' and 'sconcing.' There are also the lovely traditions of "A shoe's a shoe," "ibble dibble," and "one fat hen, a couple'a ducks"...and that's as far as I can usually get. Basically, these are exciting drinking games which leave you crawling out of Jamal's and blearily wandering the streets Oxford in a herd of smelly drunken men who are a danger to themselves and others. Well...I usually end up in a herd of smelly drunken men being the only girl who usually attends these crew dates (because I am on an all male rowing team, and the cox, who is a girl (and the most wonderful girl in the world!!!!) doesn't like to attend these kinds of events because she is wise and dainty).

Anyway, to wrap this up, I ended up at the sweaty turtle and danced like a maniac much to the horror of a few of my less drunk rowing compadres. The night ended with my stumbling up the steps to my house and spilling chippy cheese everywhere, then passing out with all my clothes on sprawled out on my bed.

That's all I can really say for now, as I really should have posted this yesterday, so goodnight and good luck!

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